Green Corridors

Greening the heart of Canberra

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Green Corridors
118 Cotter Road,
Weston, ACT, 2611,

Ph:      +61 (0)2 6287 7283
Fax:    +61 (0)2 6287 7283
Green Corridors
Green Corridors


The box that launched a thousand trees

The boxes in question       

Green reserve volunteers have been hard at it planting trees in Canberra's newest Green Corridor. In the past 5 weeks, seven volunteers have planted in excess of a thousand trees.

On Monday, 23 April, Green Reserve in conjunction with Green Corridors commenced its first program of reafforestation of the Canberra region. A group of seven volunteers were gathered together at Babaringa Equestrian Centre located some ten kilometres outside of Canberra on the Cotter Road. Each volunteer agreed to donate two days labour to establish the project.

A period of training followed with emphasis upon safety in the field and first aide for the individual. When the training finished, two teams were established to work over three days a week from Monday to Wednesday.

Once the teams were established and the tasking finalised, the volunteers commenced following the plan in a methodical manner. Trees were planted in the sections allocated as corridors. Planted trees were then tendered with follow up watering. The aim was to reduce the tree casualties from the standard 90% loss to 20% loss making the labour more productive.

To date, tree survival has demonstrated the value of careful husbandry and good training. The volunteers express great satisfaction that their work has flourished in every way possible.

"It's gratifying to see a barren landscape brim with life," said one volunteer with a broad grin. "This is our way of getting back in touch with our city."